Your subscriptions

Apply for a new subscription

You can apply for a new subscription key. This subscription key is used to identify and authenticate the application (or the user) consuming the API.
Once your request is approved you will find the subscription key in the profile section of the developer portal.

Remind that for security reasons you are responsible to store this key securely and renew it regularly.

Remark about the product subscription name: the name of the subscription key should contain some indications like the purpose of the key (is it for test or application usage ?), the consumer of the API (application or organization or tester name) and if the consumer is internal or external to Hager company. In any case the name will be controlled and modified when necessary by the administrator to properly identify the API consumer.

- Test-John-Doe-Internal
- App-DCVendenheim-Internal
- App-DCFrance-External
- App-Oosterberg-External

For more information, feel free to contact D&I-ASM-ESB&

APIs in the product